Our Work

Our Work

Our Mission

The Co-Conspirator Institute does the work of building Beloved Community by create space to reflect, grieve, heal, and be transformed from the culture of white supremacy.

Our Vision

White people are transformed, communities of color are healed, and Beloved Community is realized.

Our Framework

The Co-Conspirator Institute is three-fold: to shift narratives to change culture, to create space for true reflection and transformation, and to make room for grief and healing.

Our work at The Co-Conspirator Institute is to delve deeply into the ways white supremacy culture shapes systems of power, ideologies, and theologies, nationally and globally while impacting Black families and communities. We believe in the transformative power of the Beloved Community and the collective work to grieve and heal from racial trauma.

We also believe in a collective responsibility to build equitable and just systems and opportunities for all people to flourish. We’ve developed a framework to equip people to do the work of dismantling white supremacy culture within themselves, their communities, and the larger society.

Co-conspirators is the act of being an agent of change who confronts, disrupts, and challenges ideologies and systems of oppression, driven by a radical love for and belief in the transformative power of the Beloved Community. Co-conspirators do the work of dismantling racism because as Fannie Lou Hammer and others have said, “no one is free until we all are free.”As co-conspirators our humanity calls for us to do the work of creating a just and equitable society for everyone. To love people is to love justice.

Black people have worked towards freedom for centuries and continue to labor till this day. In our work, we want to emphasize the impact of racism in these communities and offer respite for healing. We’ve adopted the identity caucus model because we acknowledge the unique and intentional work that is required based on social location. While everyone is responsible to work towards a more just and equitable world, we understand dismantling white supremacy is primarily the work of White people in white spaces and white communities. The work of healing is the work of Black people in their communities with an intergenerational impact.

The Co-Conspirator Institute provides opportunities through training, workshops, and consultation services to equip people to become active agents of change. We also create opportunities and space through our signature programs for Black people to reflect, process, grieve and heal from racial trauma for individual and communal transformation. Finally, we believe this work is active and alive, constantly informing us, consistently evolving, and consistently informed by the lived experiences of Black people, and what we continue to learn about white supremacy culture.

Healing Retreats


We offer retreats for teams of people centered on trauma, relationship building and repair practices, healing and rest.

Education Services

Educational Services

TCCI offers workshops, virtual learning hubs, public speaking engagements, and workshops on topics related to co-conspiratorship. Our work is dedicated on how to move past learning about racism to adopting a lifestyle of co-conspiratorship.
Signature Programs

Signature Programs

Our signature programs are dedicated to healing Black families and people from racial trauma.